Weihsuan “Jenny” Lo-Ciganic, PhD, MS, MSPharm will speak on the use of machine learning, or ML, and artificial intelligence, AI, in the pharmaceutical sciences for Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, or MAKAUT, in West Bengal, India in an international webinar at 7:00 PM (IST) on September 3, 2020. Lo-Ciganic, an assistant professor in the department of pharmaceutical outcomes and policy, will be the key speaker. Five additional eminent scholars from the University of Texas at Austin and MAKAUT will serve as panel discussants. Lo-Ciganic’s talk will focus on the application of advanced analytics in pharmaceutical outcomes research. The webinar will include an overview of a ML and AI and examples of using ML for prediction in the pharmaceutical sciences. The webinar was organized by the MAKAUT Department of Pharmaceutical Technology. Registration is free.