A team led by Dr. Vakaramoko “Karam” Diaby, Ph.D., M.Sc., tied for 3rd place in the national Valuing Diversity: Addressing Health Disparities Challenge organized by the PhRMA Foundation.
The team’s paper, “Incorporating Health Equity into Value Assessment: Frameworks, Promising Alternatives, and Future Directions,” addressed the question, “How can value assessment methods and processes better account for populations that are typically underrepresented in research and drivers of health disparities?”
The PhRMA Foundation works to improve public health by proactively investing in innovative research, education and value-driven health care. The Valuing Diversity award aims to inspire bold and vital research on how value assessment can better capture evidence regarding diverse populations and drivers of health disparities.
“Value assessments that recognize and address health disparities and underrepresentation will help to advance a more equitable, value-driven healthcare system,” said PhRMA Foundation President Eileen M. Cannon in a letter announcing the award. “We are proud to add you to the list of award winners contributing and collaborating in our Value Assessment Initiative.”
Dr. Diaby is an assistant professor and director of the Applied Pharmacoeconomics track for the for the Online Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy program.
Join us in congratulating Dr. Diaby on this achievement!