PHA 6797 Applied Pharmaceutical Research Communications


Research should be the foundation of all pharmaceutical decisions in today’s health care system — from treatment choices to product approval and formulary decisions. A prerequisite to using pharmaceutical research is communicating that research. Pharmaceutical research must be communicated in a way that effectively translates value to the intended audience. Yet, the very definition of value may vary for different audiences, such as health care providers, consumers, and payers. Dissemination vehicles for communicating pharmaceutical research also vary by audience and are often governed by different rules and regulations.

This course will describe the concept of pharmaceutical value from the viewpoint of the health care provider, the consumer, and the payer. Students will learn about various types of research communications for each audience and their applicable rules and regulations. This is an applied class where students will produce portions of a variety of pharmaceutical research communications, such as peer-reviewed journal articles, clinical study reports, formulary dossiers, publication plans, and conference presentations. Upon completion of the course, students will have a portfolio of their work suitable for sharing in a job interview.

The course will emphasize giving and receiving feedback and incorporation of value messaging into all pharmaceutical research communications.

Tuition: $2,250
Credits: 3

*Please note that this syllabus is subject to change. Use the updated syllabus in Canvas as the official course syllabus.