AMCP Educational Partnership

AMCP partnership with UF COP

Tuition Discount For Members !

UF's partnership with the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) allows all AMCP members eligibility to receive a 50% discount on their first and last course in the Online M.S. in Pharmacy program. New students can save up to $2,250.

AMCP Partnership Overview

Founded by one of our renowned faculty members, Dr. Robert Navarro, AMCP’s mission is to empower its members to use sound medication management principles and strategies to improve health care for all.

The partnership with UF College of Pharmacy Online M.S. program reflects this mission by supporting the education of future managed care leaders.

We encourage you to join AMCP today to take advantage of the tuition discount offered, as well as, all the other great AMCP member benefits.

We reconnect with many of our alumni at the AMCP Annual Meeting and Nexus!